Wednesday, 9 May 2012


We are finally getting round to personalising the downstairs after the extension was finished and decorating all done. We had talked about this as an idea for the wall but only after I saw it in a mag on how to do it did we actually go ahead.

It started with lots of different photo frames which I cut the shape out of brown paper and printed labels with pictures of the frames themselves. These it stuck onto the wall with tape to try and work out what was going where...

Then Gary spent a weekend preparing the frames to go on the wall (most of them didn't have hooks only stands!!!) and finally putting them all up :-)
This is work in progress...

And finally the end result...

It is difficult to see from a photo but it looks really good in real life :-)
My next job is to find the photos to go in them, that is going to be a tough one as we have so many lovely ones...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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